& i love how annoyed i look in this photo that david took. im not nearly this testy i promise

& today i also love
rearranging furniture, auggie going on outings with grandpa and my brother - feeling big and special, ray laMontagne sounding just like ben harper sometimes, the library - oh! i'll never stop praising the library and all it's brought to our lives, roasted chicken & vegetables for dinner last night, olive stacking up the crackers on her tray and doing a ta-da! motion just now, eating off of olive shaped plates and it never getting old, playdates with neighbors, secret candy stashes - augustine saying he "wants to eat more secrets", david has a handlebar mustache that is just so him right now, endless fort building on rainy days - the kids "camping" under it with popcorn, pillows, her pacifier, and his lovey (you know, just the essentials), explosions in the sky on austin city limits, the "train park" at easton - always a thrill, one more day until im off the pc and onto le macbook - this ship is sinking fast!, barely warm enough to hang things on the clothes line - i'm doing it!, as much as it hurts to read - this blog about audrey, suckers/candy

my joy
I can totally remember being stuck in a laundry basket when I was three by my older sister. A fun memory, of course, so carry on. : )
heck yes! "baby jail" my brothers use to use those cardboard "bricks" and wall me up inside of them. i think encasing siblings in something is a requirement of growing up
So I happened to click on that blog that you posted...and yes, I am sitting here bawling my eyes out...I'm not even sure what its about...ok I have emotional problems haha...but it was incredible...seriously...hysterically crying...my husband must have thought I went mad! Thank you for sharing!
And its so sweet to see your kids having fun together...it gives me hope on the thought of having another...because to my little Solomon, it seems that he finds me a bit boring at times...haha
Good blog...thank you...always!
Hi there.
I am an old friend of Karen James and I have taken to reading your blog. I like your writing style and the things you have to say.
Anyway, I notice that you have started a community garden to donate the harvest and that is something that I have always wanted to do with a piece of land that we own. I have a few questions about it and am hoping to find some motivation to move forward. Would you be willing to email me so I don't use up your blog space? My email is Kelli@camptrak.com.
Thanks, Kelli
crap! i would have LOVED to see explosions on austin city limits! i should pay more attention to that program.
i set my dvr to record it. luff that feature
By the way, when I said "the blog you posted" I meant when you said "this blog about audrey"...I realized that I didn't make much sense...sorry...
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