gosh i have so much to say about the topic of gardening but no time to sit and hash out REAL entries and thoughts these days. just imagine me researching and reading as much as i can in every second of my free time. i cannot condense is all but how about i just do some quick snippets and links? that's pretty much all i can muster.
- Vertical Gardens - 20x the yield, 5% the water
- I want to go to the 2008 Community Garden Conference (i also am thinking of hitting up the conservatory for grant money for the justice gardens. they are really really into this sort of thing)
- Freedom Gardens - I got lost in this site all day in between typing reports. some eye candy from them:

the following video is from an offshoot of the above freedom gardens (path to freedom)
oh yeah...
- Food Shed Planet is trying to sign up 2,000,000 home gardens in their database by the end of this year. it's exciting to see it grow!
- Why yes, I would like to move in here
I would feel the same way as you if it were my child in the class, i.e.: not wanting him to feel left out. I wonder if the teacher didn't say anything to him because she thought that it might draw more attention to him and it would make him feel uncomfortable, especially since he's the only boy already? No worries mama; as long as he's having fun, it's all right.
PS: I love your blog! honestly, it makes my day when i see there's a new post! heehee Plus, I feel a little connection being a Buckeye myself. (hope that doesn't come across creepy)
i dont think it's creepy at all! :)
how cool! Thanks for posting that video from path to freedom! Never heard of it before. I put it on my blog, lol. DH and I have our very first garden this year! I feel so silly for thinking our garden is about as big as we can make it when we have about 4 times the amt of space as those people in the video!! If you get a chance, could you read my latest blog about our garden? I'm confused about our tomatoes and wanted to see if you could offer some insight! http://saltystars.blogspot.com
Jenny-I tracked you down ;) through the CV website. Missed you at group on Monday but I totally understand. I'm back in school full time and just about completely overwhelmed with the kiddos and life and all. Anyway, your garden stuff is completely inspiring. Rob and I just listened to this lecture by a guy who said that 60% of the greenhouse gasses come from the food industry (he was talking meat but it relates!) I started gardening a little this year, just an herb garden, pumpkins, and tomatoes. But we started composting and I have high hopes for next year. I'd love to talk about your ideas for the Garden club! Hopefully I'll see you either at church or at home group.
-Jen (Hinderer)
Thanks for the feedback on our garden! We're growing cherry/grape tomatoes and umm...some big ones! LOL. Not sure which kind they are. DH might know...? Never thought of staking...might have to do that! When you say the peas will flower, what do you mean? They originally HAD a flower, and that "turned into" the pea pod. Will they get another flower? Sorry, city-girl speaking! I'm worried because the tomatoes aren't turning red! DH grew up gardening with his Dad and he's baffled by the tomatoes not turning red, too! Thanks so much for the tip on the onions! Neither DH nor I had any idea about that! Blessings!
Also wanted to say I showed DH the Path to Freedom video last night. We had a LOOONG discussion about it. It's really bringing about a lot of soul searching in our parenting and lifestyle overall! Thanks again for posting it. It may have some longterm effects on us!
salty - yes it seems like they are too heavy for the cages they are in. just get some wooden stakes, put them in the ground next to the stalk and tie them to it. don't worry they will turn red! well at least i cannot see any reason why they wouldnt
The gymnastics class sounds like fun. Some of it may be boy/girl stuff. My Matthew just runs around like a crazy man in class whereas all the little girls line up and sit still when they are supposed to. And they have all been in the same class for a year now!
Good luck, I hope he likes it!
that vertical lettuce is crazy! i've never seen such a thing. i got all excited when i saw the community gardening conference...then i remembered that i live in texas...so sad...
first, i must admit i frequent your blog and i really enjoy it. thank you! secondly, i came across an article in The New York Press that i thought you might enjoy. please check it out..... http://www.nypress.com/21/29/news&columns/feature.cfm
Thanks again!
one two three four...... how awesome is this!!!
anonymous - i really ate up that article. we have several friends who live communally and all have thrived. oh wait, one couple it did not work out for now that i remember. i find it very biblical to lead such a life
ralphie - I LOVE IT!!
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