Wednesday, August 06, 2008

quiet enough to hear a mouse toot

jesus is good! my house is quiet! and i'm alone! (david took the wee ones to go see kung fu panda & out to dinner) im going to grill some chicken, continue to eat peanut butter out of the jar, and darn it transcribe more reports. someday i just know ill have nothing to do. SOMEDAY.

tomorrow we are going to the ohio state fair and as possibly trashy as it sounds i'm excited! i definitely know where i'll be eating my lunch. the taste of ohio spread is not only local *high five!* but also the plates and dinnerware that things are being served with are biodegradable and made from sugar cane. this year they have three bins for waste - one for compostable items (corn cobs, the plates & silverware, etc.), one for recyclable items (cans, etc), and one for true waste. AND! the fair once wrapped up is taking it's traditional 2,500 lbs butter statue of cows and is donating them to mt vernon nazarene university (my old stomping ground!) to make biodiesel with. they usually throw this out.

note to self: next year inquire about getting it for our car!


indesignguy said...

thanks for the oats. :]

Amber said...

wow...butter statues of cows!!! trying to picture that haha!!

Sarah said...

ABC world news at 6 30 tonight had an awesome closing peace about community gardening. taking advantage of abandoned spaces, and curb-sides and everything. it was great. if you didn't see it, you would have loved it. they have info on their website, links to help people get started with their own community gardens.

finally people are learning!

Olive said...

brian - tis nothing amongst neighbors!

amber - ive got to get a picture of these things and post it! i am also yearning to see them

saraH - ill poke around online and see if i can find the video