sidebar: there is a really good children's book called "Who's Garden Is It?" that i highly recommend. it is about a lady who sees a gorgeous plot and says "who's garden is it?" and a gardener claims it. a rabbit rebuts his statement saying it is his garden. then another animal rebuts that. so on and so forth until even the bacteria are fighting over who's garden it is! it's really a great way to introduce children to the idea of permaculture and ecosystem symbiosis.

i love augustine. i mean im his mama and all that but i really *like* him too beyond the obligatory i'd-die-for-you commitment that comes with being a mother. he is just so chatty and joyful and tells hilarious stories. we had his teacher conferences today and they just raved about how sweet and joyful he is and that his joy is infectious around the classroom, including them. this is not the first person to have said that exact same thing. his teacher at church said "if im ever having a bad day, i need to just talk to augustine!" i dig that. he is exactly the kind of kid i always wanted him to be. i would change absolutely nothing about him. we flew kites at the park a few days ago - his first kite. the kite he's had since near christmas and has never flown before. he shared it with a kid who wanted a turn and BLAM stuck in a tree. he took it like a champ! intense disappointment but understood there was nothing to be done and no sense in getting mad at the kid over an accident. we take sharing very seriously in our family. not just toys and on a kid level, but everything we own is everybody's as well. if we are using it or have immediate plans for it, it is ours. if we are not using it and have no plans for it, anyone can borrow it or have it depending on the situation. i want to raise generous children who are not motivated by "things" but by ideas. ideas of charity, generosity, community, love, and integrity rooted of course in our family in Jesus. i want them to look at the world and determine what justice is through the eyes of Christ.
I am really excited to read about your garden's progress! We aren't able to plant a garden on our property, so I'm considering a container garden this year on the patio.
I think it's absolutely awesome how Augustine responded to the kite situation. :-)
oh yes container gardening is very popular and you can grow a ton!
This post is very sweet
i second your thoughts on generosity. i was just having this conversation with a friend who wasn't sure if it was fair to expect her children to share their things. i agree with you- it is too important. what we can gain from it spiritually outweighs any notions i may have to let it 'slide' because it's hard to instill in them, or whatever. thanks for your thoughts.
i totally have spring fever too! cleaning out my closet and digging out a new bed for veggies!
awesome work on your garden! i'm excited to keep up with your progress and i'm so glad you guys are helping out with the trend. i'm still working diligently on starting a community garden here and i've convinced my boss at the restaurant to scrap all the ficus trees on our patio and plant an entirely edible container garden, to be used by the chef and employees.
lots of fun and exciting stuff happening!
hope all is well.
HECK YES RYAN! that is the stuff that really can make a difference. there is a wonderful grant program here through the franklin park conservatory called "growing to greens" that sponsors area community gardens. sadly, because we are not advocating one single garden, but rather individual home gardens being put to use for those in-need in the community we fall outside of that. phoey! but im hopeful that our plans for sponsorship will pan out. meeting this week so everybody keep their fingers crossed! i wish i could talk more about what is going on but ill wait until we officially launch.
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