i woke up and still had hives so i sipped on some children's antihistamines which made me super groggy. like i almost fell asleep at certain points of the day, heck i DID fall asleep for about 3 hours when we came home from COSI and had eaten lunch. i was just so so out of it. at least i was feeling like i needed to rip up my skin though so that was good. eventually my mom bought me some calamine lotion and oh. oh i love that stuff! today i still have hives but they are going down, the worst itching is on my chest and wrists but i realize now that the worst spots are actually ant bites which i got at the garden pulling up the blueberry bushes. what are the changes that a person would get hives AND ant bites at the same time?! based on where the hives are im pretty sure they are a contact rash from using a new-to-me sun screen this weekend at a cook out.
speaking of, how cute are my kids at the cook out "cheers-ing" their broccoli.

tonight is the Ordinary Radicals screening. i hope people show up! tomorrow is the farmers market booth and im a little nervous. i have some social limitations and GAH yeah i'm just a little stomach-in-knots-y. the kids are staying at davids parents tonight (first time ever!) so david and i can go to the screening & i dont have to worry about them tomorrow while im at the booth. pray pray pray for me please
ooh, which booth are you going to be in? I'll stop by and say hello!!
hives and ant bites? yeee-oooouuchh!! i had a mosquito bite in the middle of my bad sunburn on top of my muscle spasms in my back so i feel your pain.
i'm thinking about going to this film tonight, not sure yet.
kathleen - Justice Gardens
oh meridith that sounds terrible
Tell me more about this film if you have time? It isn't playing in our area of Pennsylvania.
here is the trailer for the film
sunscreen! yeah, i'm allergic to a common ingredient in sunscreen that starts w/ a "p"--the word is escaping me.
ooh i saw OR for the first time last night! soo good.
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