friday we went to the zoo to see the new polar bear exhibit. the tunnel underneath the exhibit with the glass ceiling was inaccessible which kind of put a damper on our experience but whatever. they were cute but kind of just sat there. btw how do arctic animals acclimate to non-arctic habitats? im confused. i mean it's summer here (hi tomorrow it's going to be 100 degrees here in ohio!) we ran into a few friends, which is always fun.
when we got home and cooled off i checked our messages and found out there was one on there from my childhood friend nicole (

the movie was adorable. toy story 2 was pretty awful so i didn't go into this one with high expectations but they were above and beyond. we went to studio 35, which is our neighborhood single-screen theater. they serve pizzas and beer and i really love them because they love indie movies as well as popular ones. after the movie we promised the kids we'd let them stay up and watch the fireworks on tv. they didn't end up getting in bed until after 11.
saturday we got up early, stopped by the farmers market then headed to centerburg, ohio to go blueberry picking. that took a few hours and none of us wore sunscreen so i received the first sunburn i've had since childhood! it wasn't too bad but bad enough to make my shoulders really itchy and warm to the touch. (three days later it has resolved)
sunday, we went to church, then david went skateboarding with two friends. i kind of love that he is 29 and still skateboards. every time he does i jokingly warn him not to break a hip. after two days of intensive walking and activity my back was on fire so i opted to stay home while david took the kids down to the clintonville fireworks. i felt pretty lonely to be quite honest. i laid around and read Bree Tanner, which was okay.
by monday my back and right hip were on fire and it was allowing only a few hours of sleep at night so being that my dad is a chiropractor, i rang him up and we met at his office for some treatment. i kind of love looking at x-rays, especially of my own body. it's just so interesting to peek inside! turns out my hips are all wack a do and my right leg is now measuring 7-8 mm shorter than the left which is causing the hip and back pain. so i got a new (for me) adjustment method applied to those areas and some traction therapy. i almost fell asleep on the traction bed it felt so good! my parents had been embarking on their own little stay-cation for the last few days with the main objective being to clear out some of their old things. they brought out all kinds things from my childhood and adolescence. OMG TIME WARP! there were so many notes and pictures and mementos, drawings, JOURNALS FROM 1991-1994! if i wasn't thoroughly convinced that the tween girl that these belonged to would turn out so happily i would have been embarrassed! my only moment of slight embarassment came when david saw how boy crazy a 13 yr old girl i was. every page had "I LOVE (insert a lottery of boys names)!" on every bookcover and trapper keeper. he took it in good stride naturally. the best part was finding my Perfect Match Game. if i can find a friend who has


sounds like a great weekend! i keep meaning to go blueberry picking this summer as well :)
doing a quick search only yielded a couple results but they basically say as long as it's not extreme weather like a desert, polar bears will be fine in the heat with water to submerge into
oh man we had that game too!
the polar exhibit with the glass ceiling was a lame-o bust in my opinion. we went down there.. NO ceiling just a tiny section of wall that kinda curves up. one little section. and of course when we were down there there were no polar bears just some fish. and it was opaque-y, very thick-couldn't very well see even the fish. what the heck! i was picturing it all over wall to wall and ceiling aquarium.. oh well!!
Yeah weekend! I like your new layout/background by the way:)
eva - it is so easy to pick blueberries! and fun for kids.
chelsea - well you know me, ms. bookwork :)
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