a friend from church and her husband lost their baby yesterday morning. henry has anencephaly and though she was strongly advised to have an abortion they were opposed to it and continued to term. sunday evening they went in for an induction and he was born and passed away tuesday morning. the mood on sunday was somber, prayerful, raw, begging as the Body braced for the impact of pain. we are now conducting Shemira for henry until his burial wednesday morning. as soon as olive goes to school i am heading over. this is crushing.
my thoughts and prayers will be with your friends and all of those touched by Henry.
my heart is aching for your community. prayers your way.
It's taken me a couple days to find this; praise God it's available to the public. I heard this on the 106.9 the Light radio station hosted by Focus on the Family and it was excellent.
"Todd and Angie Smith discuss their decision to carry their unborn child to term when they were advised by doctors to terminate the pregnancy. "
There are parts 1 and 2 you can listen to at the site I posted; it may take a few minutes for the audio to buffer and begin playing.
My prayers are with your friends.
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