grandparents > parents.
david had quite a bit of studying so olive and i headed out once we got home. i ran to Wholly Craft! which is probably my favorite local store because my walls are naked and for quite a while now i've been lusting over the nikki mcclure prints they have there. i purchased the following prints:

& they did not have these two and i felt sad because i really love them.

this one has a communist feel, no?

i know someone on my friends list has some of these. reveal thyself and take credit for the inspiration! leesa perhaps?
i then took olive (aka "little cupcake". aka "growler". aka "ditty". aka "snick snack".) to target to find some frames for the above pictured new wall adornments but first we stopped off at the vacation-bound boyd's home and snip snip snipped some frise and a bit of red leaf lettuce. lunch tomorrow is their fate.
target sucks me into it's vortex of overconsumption and i check out with 2 frames (needed 5 but that's all they had, much to my chagrin), 4 curtain rods, and shorts for olive. as i packing up my bags i run into two of my favorite people, brian and lorah campbell! they were buying odds and ends for their mission trip to morocco which departs wednesday morning. they will be gone for 2 weeks and then 4 weeks after that they move to new jersey so he can go to rutgers for grad school. i am continually pouting about this but such is life. so instead of taking my bags and heading to the car i reentered target's aisles and talked with them while they shopped. i love friends who can Talk and not just talk. i can Talk with these two about Real Things, Important Things, Globally Important Things. i crave this kind of dialog but unfortunately it is not written into my job description as a stay at home mother to regularly get the opportunity to discuss politics and the like. again, such is life. i take it when i can get it, drink deeply from the cup of conversation and then go back to my discussions of bob the builder vs thomas the train.
This post made me think of a book you might enjoy... I sure did!! It helped me realize the value in what we are doing as stay at home mothers. It truly is for the benefit of the world and humanity. It is called the Paradox of Natural Mothering by Chris Bobel and profiles a bunch of women and dives into why they are choosing to raise families in an "alternative" way, i.e. home birthing, extended breast feeding, organic living, etc... Hope you enjoy! ERIN
ah i love brian and are having cupcakes today? and i'm actually online to see this! but i don't think i can today.oh how you tempst me with know the way to my heart...later this week maybe? and let's discuss becoming a doula/midwife because really,what are we waiting for.the moons to align!?
ooh erin that book sounds awesome! and right up my alley!
michelle - yes! cupcakes today! anytime! call me/come over!
i have those prints, amanda oaks has those prints, leesa has those prints, you have those prints ~! we all have those prints!
Love the prints Jenny. I wonder if they can be purchased online?
( My fav is the, "a new materialism")
yes all of them are available from :)
amanda - that is so funny bcs those are the ladies i have the most in common with on my friends list i feel!! well and maggie, who WANTS them but does not have them yet
i totally know what you mean. & in a strange way it links us, you know? imagine how funny it would be if we were in each other's houses... seeing the same prints & im sure other things, too... so funny.
i think it's pretty much hands town. bob the builder :)
my friend michelle has a nikki mcclure calendar and eric couldn't resist making copies of her prints and hanging them in his apartment...
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