our good friends lorah and brian campbell are going as team leaders on a missions trip to morocco very soon. to raise some money they had an ice cream social friday night. YUM. augustine was lots of laughs the whole evening, very chatty to say the least. i'm so blessed with awesome friends, GIRLFRIENDS. see, my whole life it seems like my Best friends always end up being guys, not for competition with gals though. not that way dudes. i guess sometimes i never felt like i clicked with girls because growing up i just didn't get into typical girly stuff. i used to chalk it up to having two older brothers but even at a young age i just sort of was disinterested in barbies and hair and make up. heck i didn't even wear make up regularly until i was about 21. it's funny you know, girls spend so many years fighting themselves, nitpicking and self loathing and then they (usually) come to a place of peace. with that usually comes a peace with other women to, for the unhappiest of women will never be happy with other women around know what i mean? adolescence is marked by tumultuous relationships with women. gratefully our 20s and 30s are spent knocking down whatever walls we had up and forging deep, lasting relationships with other women. that (and marrying david/having beebs) has been my favorite part of where i am at right now in life. anyways the ice cream social was really fun.
while there someone, who i did not know, came up and said i looked familiar. it might sound a little oh, i don't know weird? self-important? let's go back to weird because i can't think of another word. but it might sound a little weird but when this happens, about once or twice a month if you can believe it!, usually this is because the person has read my blog. but this time the guy said that there was a picture of me hanging up at the wexner center! right behind the desk when you walk in! this is the photo, from an art opening for someone i cannot remember. weigmann maybe?

(i was way pregnant with olive, funny that they cut out the belly i thought)
speaking of wexner, september they are opening a warhol exhibit. STOKED.
if i got married today im pretty sure this would be the song i would walk down the aisle to.
and totally off topic but awesome article about an electric car! and on that note, everyone should rent Who Killed the Electric Car? this gal totally cried watching it if you can believe it. and if you have read along for any length of time you will because im sometimes weepy and sensitive and love the earth. just every once in a while :)
I am gonna post this mainly because of your little blurb about people coming up to you who you have never met because they recognize you from your blog. I have seen reading your posting after randomly coming across this site on the web for about a year now...I love your outlook on life and just find things really inspiring. Anyway, I live outside Washington DC and visited Columbus this weekend for a wedding. The strange thing was I was hanging out at the home of one of or best friends and look out their front window and see you and your family in your front yard. I didn't come over to say hello because I totally could not believe my eyes and because, frankly, I thought you would think I was crazy!! To make a long story short you have a wonderful family living across the street from you, they have two little girls and are really great people... they said they had not met you yet but you never know, they might become your friends too!! Perhaps in the future, when we visit, I will have the nerve to say Hello. Best Wishes, ERIN
I hated barbies and baby dolls and whatnot when I was a child as well...and I STILL don't wear makeup regularly...Your idea about friendships with women really made sense to me, being that my best friend is a 45 year old male parasitologist from Illinois...I had a really hard time with other girls during my adolescence...and I guess the avoidance pattern in my life is ongoing, because I still try to avoid outings with other women...except the older ones (in their 50s and 60s) I hope I can break through the walls you spoke of as well as you did...
And what is your favorite Warhol piece? I had a professor in university that used to hang out with Warhol and the stories intrigued me...
Hi there,
I've been stopping by your blog from time-to-time and enjoy your fresh and hopeful perspective. I came across this and thought you would be interested:
i wore makeup for a year in highschool (sophomore year..), then afterwards i only ever wore eyeliner. eyeliner goes well with the punk look anyway. :) now i don't wear any. i actually find it depressing to dress up and wear makeup. weird huh? i was out with my husband the other night, wearing my favorite boy clothes and my buzzed head and THAT made me feel hot. and, my husband thinks i'm adorable with short hair. i'm blessed to have a husband who thinks SHORT hair is hot. :D
Enjoying your blog.
kasandora - im sorry its taken me so long to respond. my favorite warhol piece is one of the human heart.
erin, WOW! all i can say is WOW. gesh what was i doing? hopefully nothing embarrassing!
I am one of "those" people. I am officially coming out of the closet and leaving a comment. Ohhh, scary for me. "Will she think I am a dork, cause she is so cool? What am I going to say to her the next time I see her?" Just kiddin with you. I love this song and would totally agree on walking down the aisle to it and the many others they have. See you Sunday...maybe.
oh judy, it was such a pleasure to meet you!! and i think if i seem cool (don't be fooled, im just a nerdy gardening loving, internet junkie!) it's because i have no internal monologue and type out every little oddity of my life.
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