random photo time!

us at the zoo this week
so im in the midst of planning augustine and olive's birthday party right now. augustine's (who will be 4) birthday is april 15 and olive's (who will be 2) is april 12. but their party is april 18. kids birthday parties can get really out of hand and im fighting that temptation something fierce. like i could go buck nutty with bags and balloons and food. omg the food!! this party is going to be a costume party so david and i have to get costumes. suggestions are welcomed! auggie is going to be superman and olive is going to be wonder woman. im thinking david and i go as popeye and olive oyl? one frustrating thing is that augustine comes up with new kids he wants to invite almost every day and now it's gotten too big for our tiny apartment, which i anticipated and accept but if the weather is bad and we can't have it at the park we are going to be packed in here like sardines. i kind of reject the idea of goody bags for kids who are guests. does that make me a jerk? im undecided whether we will have them or not, i just feel they are wholly unnecessary. food wise im thinking big salads, french bread sandwiches, maybe cheese quesadillas for the kids to dip in salsa or sour cream, sky blue cola (this stuff is bomb) and of course cupcake pops! there really needs to be more food so again, suggestions are welcomed. something kid friendly. also i suspect that the shelter house at the park doesnt have power so that might be limiting too. i was going to do soup, salads, and sandwiches but david vetoed the idea because he said the soup would go cold and we'd need to provide bowls and we'd like to avoid as much waste as possible. if you read all of that boring garble, thanks. you're a real friend :)
speaking of my kids, they went to the circus with my dad, david, and brother josh last night. they came back high on life (and sugar) and olive kept excitedly yelling about riding on "hortses!!" (she road on a pony). more pictures on flickr.

(you wouldnt believe how many odd-faced pictures of my son i have)
and finally, i hate pickles. hate them, am literally repulsed by them. today we got groceries and augustine begged for some so i obliged and just now as they were crunching into their big green filth sticks augustine asked if i could pour some pickle juice into a cup and let him drink it. im not exaggerating that i gagged and had to leave the room just thinking about it. i cannot understand how people like them! and i love salt!
'Big green filth sticks'...I'm peeing. That is hysterical. That's sort of how I feel when I see people eat wings. So primal, it's embarrassing.
We have an Elvis Costume, A bunny Costume and some sort of Super Hero costume. I think David would look spectacular in the bunny costume though. :) Seriously, if you want to browse, you can.
I'm rolling in the floor over the 'big green filth sticks' so funny. The drinking the juice? As soon as the juice was cold enough my brother would pop the top and drink the whole jar (at least Augustine asked for a cup?)! I would go to get a pickle and there would be no juice left!!!! Yep, I had to let you in on that disgusting secret of my brother's....lol. Boys are gross.
I'm going to agree: "big green filth sticks" is the funniest description of pickles I've heard.
I'm going to start teaching yoga in a studio over on Indianola soon. One hour, one night a week. Total body workout, good music (at least I think so...:), super cool people in the class so far. I don't do the zen stuff, just up for stress relief and a good workout. Lemme know if you'd ever want to swing by!
One of my earliest childhood memories was going to my preschool friend's house and her grandma serving us grilled cheese with mayonnaise (so the bread slipped off the cheese) and shot glasses (I kid you not) of pickle juice. I was so disgusted. And I remember the grandma saying, "Somebody didn't eat her lunch!" I rarely eat pickles now.
beth - i maintain that people should never, in mixed company, be seen putting on panty hose, licking envelopes, and now im adding eat wings. it's just too erotic looking!
judy - can i have pictures of these costumes? :)
amanda - is this at grow yoga? i saw that place around the corner just today! how much? btw ive never done yoga more than a handful of times so i would be embarrassing!
im so glad you are all enjoying my hate of pickles and wow! so many pickle juice stories are coming my way since posting this! haha
I'm not with a studio or anything. I have my certification, did my training, and just want to teach on my own. I sub for one studio in New Albany, but I really like having my own students - more personal. Most of my students had never done yoga before, so you'd be in good company :) $12/class, or $10/10 classes. Feel free to email me if you're interested: aparkerdesign (at) gmail.com
"Big green filth sticks"...haha! Actually, my cousin has a similar obsession; she likes to dip her potato chips in pickle juice. Gross, I say.
I affirm you in your rejection of gift bags. They're kind of silly, and it's normally just cluttery junk in there anyway. If you do want some sort of party favors I'm sure you could think of something way cooler. Like give all the parents a wee tomato plant or something :)
kristin - i have been contemplating the same re: plants. we'll see how that pans out but i think it would be well received considering who is coming and that the party will be just days after the last frost date for our area.
yes! i love the idea of giving a plant- or a couple of seeds in a little envelope that your kids could decorate prior to the party. another idea is to do a pinata or have a treasure chest that the kids can choose 1 or 2 items out of.
as for costumes- i was olive oyle for halloween and that was super easy (my little buddy was popeye-so cute).
i think your food ideas sound great! the easier the better! i know a big bowl of popcorn always goes over well too...
i eat all the pickles and drink the juice as well! it's a shame you don't like pickles :).
popeye and olive oil sounds like great costumes!
we had a birthday party in our former tiny apartment once. we invited just family but we have a huge family and it was so crowded, you couldn't think straight. avoid the apartment if you can!
popeye and olive oil would be hilarious! i like pickles....and wings. :)and pickle juice.
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