speaking of other impending milestone's a mother would rather deny, olive and augustine turn 2 and 4 in april. olive = april 12, augustine = april 15. yeah that was NOT on purpose by the way. i was 42+ weeks pregnant with olive when she made her entrance. that pregnancy felt like it would never end! anyways we are planning a costume party so come get your dressy-on folks!
i really like my kids

It must be bitter sweet to have Olive so precocious... Though I'd give a lot to have my daughter potty trained before she's two! Then again, that just might be more work with a newborn. :-p
Aw Congratulations to you both!! I love the pics by the way, it's been too long since I have seen those cuties!
*sigh* adeline is slowly learning the potty-ily ways. congrats to both of you! yum yum, i love the smell of dough...
***gasp!!!*** 42 weeks pregnant? oh friend...i have no words...
Don't let dad see Augy making that Texas "hook em' horns" sign! It's all buckeyes or else!
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