click on the picture to see more details about what we are growing. so yes i made the first of what im sure will be many runs to oakland nursery yesterday. i just could not withstand the itch any longer! i also bought a bat box which i believe will go on the back of the shed that maggie and austin have in the back yard near the garden. the back of it says that one bat can consume 600 mosquitos a minute. A MINUTE FOLKS! who knows how long it will take bats to find it and take up residency though but im hopeful that we will build a symbiotic relationship with them soon. not only will we have them gobbling up the mosquitos but you can also use the guano as a potent additive to the compost. *use caution when handling bat guano. it is toxic* not that i was planning on bare handing it anyways :) im unsure what to do about sunday, which was the day we had planned to till the garden. this week has been unseasonably cold here in columbus so i fear the ground will be difficult to work. really i just want to get the onions, first planting of collards, carrots, and some beets in the ground. too bad those things aren't slated to go one next to the other or i'd suggest we just do one area. phoey! david is on spring break soon so maybe we will do it then.
We need to put a bat box up out here.
Our pond is perfect mosquito breeding territory when it gets warm outside. I can't even take the kids outside after 4pm in the summer. :(
Look forward to seeing pics of your garden and I'm glad you mentioned what a bat box is for cause now I'm considering one-great idea.
I have a question...if one is to plant things in pots due to space issues, do you have any suggestions for keeping rabbits, squirrels and those types of critters out, other than rigging up all sorts of crazy contraptions???
rabbits hate the intense smell of garlic, so perhaps plant some near what you want them to stay away from or make an herbal tea and spray it around. you can make one by steaping a few heads of garlic (and any other strong scented herb for that matter - horseradish, mint, onion, cayenne etc.) overnight. you'll have to reapply this every so often, especially after it rains. another trick it so put a stake in the ground with a bell on a string on it. the constant noise of it will annoy and scare pests.
My husband put up a bat house about a year and a half ago....no bats yet. grrr. I see them flying around when we have camp fires and say "hey...we built a house for you...it's really nice" but they never listen. good luck with yours!
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