i have officially sustained and grown a 4 year old as of today. that makes me step back and take a deep breath. it just seems so huge that my child is 4. (maybe it makes me feel sort of old?) this is the first birthday that i feel augustine really connects what his birthday means both for me and for him. he tip toed into my room this morning positively beaming with anticipation of the day. i bellowed a silly version of happy birthday to him and he was just soaking it up for all it was worth. the highlight of the day has been getting his very own library card, which i've been promising i would get him when he turned 4. i think it's a good way to introduce a higher level of responsibility to his life. he was practically giddy when we got there and announced to at least three librarians that we were there because it was his birthday and he was getting his own card today. that boy of mine! dinner tonight at his favorite restaurant (hound dogs pizza!) with maggie, austin, robina, andy, and wren!
wait- wasn't it just olive's bday?
what a great picture! i love how excited he is to get his own card.
yes! my kids birthdays are only 3 days apart! this was because olive was due in march but would.not.come.out. LOL
What a lucky fellow indeed!
my kids birthdays are one day apart! Well 1 year and 364 days apart..
He's so cute in that picture - so excited! I think the library card is a great idea, especially for that age! Sounds like a great little birthday :)
Happy Birthday Augustine!! :)
that is just precious! love the picture :)
That picture is just "so" Augustine!!! He is such a little man already! At 4 years old he is one of the smartest kids I know! What a blast he was on Saturday, he told me things I was not prepared for such a little body to know already!
You are an awesome mother! You have done your job thus far and raised an amazing little boy and little girl!
thanks everybody!!
i love his proud little wrinkled-up nose.
Yay Auggie-buggy!
(sorry--that has been my own little in-my-head nickname for him since he was like... 1 1/2? and I've only just mentioned it today LOL)
Happy B-day!
isnt it funny how you come up with nicknames.
here are some that i call augustine: froggy, auggie-froggy, banjo, duder, aug, auggie
olive: cupcake, snick snack, ditty, O
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