yesterday was olive's birthday. i can't believe she is two. i mean i can, she is as my friend michelle said "the oldest 2 year old i know" and to be quite honest she's acted 2 for quite some time now what with her rambunctious personality and sort of advanced physical skillz. they say the second child grows up faster and that has certainly been true with us but i think even moreso just because she is olive. such a little sprite. there are a few mental images that i want to just cement in my mind and hold forever. the first is she and i on the dance floor at the bell's house this weekend. i had her in my arms swinging her around and the lights were beautiful and her face was all aglow and i swung her around in circles and she laughed until i thought she'd puke. it was just a really sweet moment. the second is her and i taking a nap together yesterday after church. she was still tired from all of the weekend's festivities and so she dropped off rather quickly. but before she did she took my hand and pulled me close until our foreheads were touching and she fell asleep like that. clutching onto me and snuggling. it was just like she was a baby again.
and for those interested, who havn't seen it (by this point who hasn't seen this on my friends list!?) here is the link to our homebirth video. perfectly safe for work ill add.
another dear to me milestone of yesterday was of course the 2 year anniversary of our nursing relationship. i've thoroughly documented the struggle to get augustine to nurse and the aftermath of exclusively pumping so when olive was born and immediately took to the breast it was really a sigh of relief/fulfillment of a prayer for me.

and in no way a secondary note, but yesterday was of course also easter! we had a great service at church and i cried during worship, umm as usual but particularly on easter i get all weepy. praise the Risen Lamb! while at church my good friend beth told me she and her husband nick were pregnant and i literally screamed. like full on HOLLARED. it was too great to stifle.
such a little sprite for sure. i love her.... also i'm loving your hair in that picture.
yay for friends being pregnant!
Happy Bday Olive, and w2g on your nursing relationship. Everytime i nurse my son I feel so much love for him, and thank the Lord for him, it's such a wonderfull time to bond... and he's 4 weeks now!!
Have an awesome week :)
She is so.cute :)
Three of my friends have announced their pregnancies in the past two weeks. It's so exciting every time! Must be the season!
Thank you so much for talking openly about how wonderful it is to nurse, even into toddlerhood. It is great to hear from women who honestly share about the special bond it creates between Mom and Child. I know, from my experience, that sometimes nursing seems just as important at 2 as it did at 2 months! Thanks Again, Erin
Hi! I've been following your blog for quite some time and had to share with you the homebirth video of my daughter Adaira. You and I used the same song for our homebirth videos!!! Love reading your blog and listening to your stories/philosophies on life!!
Here's the link to my video at Youtube: (it had captions, but I'm too cheap (or broke) to pay for the media subscription to keep the captions on)
I hadn't realized that Evelyn and Olive's birthdays were so close! Evelyn was april 11, and has just turned one.:)
Shell didn't tell me Beth is pregnant!! HOW EXCITING!! EEEeeee!! I am so happy for them :) :) :) :)
Happy Birthday Olive!
Late happy B-Day Olive!!!
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