Saturday, May 02, 2009


i've noticed that my weekly "make everything from scratch day" always coincides with "kids wreck the house day". hmm... david woke up and made us all chocolate chip pancakes. hi, i love him.

i am officially renaming "butterscotch" as "scutterbotch". i mean, come on that just sounds better no? so much more fun to say and it could probably be subbed for a swear word!

today is a local primary and one of my friends is running so i put the kids in the wagon this morning and walked a mile or two to go vote for him. im undecided if i believe in voting. even when i voted in november i was undecided where i fell on how it lines up with not only my beliefs as a christian but also just who i naturally am. i can hang with the idea of voting on issues but people? ehh. still, i believe in ben and i hope he wins. while we were walking two LDS kids on bikes tried to sell me some mormon. never one to dislike a debate i engaged them for about 15 minutes and then we politely parted ways.

olive is officially out of diapers full time. such ends any disillusion i had about her being Ms. BigStuff. she still enjoys a pacifier and nurses so perhaps i can allow that to pacify me that i still in fact have a wee bitty baby? it's funny because i dont even really want a baby, more like the idea that my children are babies. but then when i think about it im like "um that was intense and tiring, why would i want to go back when now im on vacation by comparison?" my brain doesnt always make sense. i wonder if this means my heart is done having kids? i will probably always maintain that i would be fine having more/fine being done too. so who knows where that leaves us... today i put olive in a dress and tights and then she added tennis shoes, a baseball cap, and lots and lots of mud. good times!

and one more thing. my neighbors, - God love them, God help me! - have been putting their cigarettes out in the planter i have outside with peppers growing in it. SCUTTERBOTCH!!


grace said...

I am with you all the way in the baby category. My youngest is nearly two, and less a baby and more a tot. and as much as my heart aches to not have her in my sling near as much...I so don't want another baby today...maybe tomorrow. but definitely not today.

KBH said...

I would like to hear a conversation of the mormon debate... just curious?

I also have 2 kids a 3 yo and 9 mo. I keep telling my husband to remind me of 'this time right now' when I start talking about more kids. Love 'em, but you're so right...its intense and so very, very exhausting!!!

Olive said...

ok well he said i could have a copy of the book of mormon, which i said i didnt believe in. that i felt it conflicted with what is said in deuteronomy about refraining from adding to the commandments of the bible. he talked about prophets (just one person) and how there is one true prophet and he and only he hears divine revelation from God. i didnt feel that lined up with Acts, with the dispersion of spiritual giftings which were given to all christians. just stuff like that i did not feel lined up with the bible.

Anonymous said...

Those Mormons don't know the Bible like they claim. They have their book of mormon and that's all that matters to them. Good for you for standing up to those brain washed missionaries.

But imagine if one day we find out that the LDS church is true and that Joseph Smith was really given all the revelations he was give? That would be insane, but a highly, highly unlikely story!

Kristin said...

Putting out cigarettes in your pepper planter? Grrrr....

Anonymous said...

About the neighbors:

Not that you need to accept what they are doing to the pepper plant, but maybe consider making a little ash tray pot to put next to the pepper plant. You could even put some of the butts in this pot to "inspire" them. Get a cheap planter or pot, maybe add some dirt-and there it is.=) Good luck with your pepper plant.=)

Alia said...

Baby Olive growing up!?!?!

Olive said...

it's true!!! lol