we're baaaaack! from myrtle beach that is. here are some general rules and/or observations that i've now developed since traveling 12 hours each way with children in a car.
1. it might be worth it to borrow a car (preferably a van) with air conditioning when you are traveling south in the summer. i did not realize i could sweat as much as i did on the final leg of our trip. and not in some ooh la la way, let's me clear i looked like a boiled pig.
2. it is worth it to stop and get fast food, especially for the wee ones. i'm telling you the tiny prize in a happy meal - my kids were happy as clams for HOURS. im not judgmental about fast food - in fact im praising it here. sue me.
3. if you need a map, don't forget it on top of the car as you're pulling away from the gas station. it makes for a surly husband
4. the younger your kids are the cheaper your vacation can be. besides our hotel room i think we spent oh, $150 the entire week in myrtle beach. this being spent on a few groceries, a round of mini golf, one trinket each from aridiculously overpriced junknovelty shop, and a pizza one evening. the beach is free! the pool is free! going on walks is free!
5. best defense against your children going insane on long car rides? make them a goodie bag. i took a cloth bag and filled one for augustine and one for olive with small snacks, coloring books, crayons, new small toys, sunglasses, etc. i went to the dollar store and bought sticker books and tiny toys for each. we made it all the way there with very little protest about being bored.
we had such a fun time. neither of the kids, being from ohio, had ever been to the beach. augustine was skeptical but eager to give the waves a fair crack. he has a much more cautious attitude about life than his sister but he had lots of fun just walking in the lapping waves and building sand castles. olive on the other hand was harder to keep up with. she spent quite a bit of time digging holes, transporting sand buckets around, etc.
a sweet kids pool was at our resort. the kids LOVED it

more here on flickr including some of me in a real live bathing suit!
ps i cannot stop listening to this song and dancing
looks like a blast. wow the kids have gotten so big.
this looks sooooo much better than a camping vacation! Glad you were able to get away.
what fun!
as a southerner- i can attest to the fact that an air conditioner, in august, is your best friend.
Hi there! I just happened to stumble upon your blog. You have a lovely family! :)
I'll remember that goody bag tip when my son gets bigger! Our families live 9+ hours away, so there are a lot of long car rides in his future.
what a fun trip! i really admire your frugality!
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