at 3 1/2, olive has officially weaned. i can't believe we made it this long! i had such a hard time nursing augustine, ultimately leading to be exclusively pumping for him until he was 15 months old, so it was really important that i get off to a good start with olive. thankfully she took right to nursing and well, never let up. i kind of assumed i'd be the don't ask, don't refuse type of weaners but i had no idea if it would actually happen. i'm really glad how it ended (with neither of us particularly fussing, both just losing the comfort and need associated with the routine). sweet beginning, sweet ending
Beautifully done.
Hi Jenny, i know you love bicycles, have you seen the Madsen cargo bikes? they're doing a give-away! http://www.madsencycles.com/?src=lcf10
i'm on it! thank you saraH!
wow amazing! I have been nursing Hendrix for a year now and we are going strong. i get a lot of flack for it which seems so odd but a lot of people dont understand continuing after a year..i plan to go as long as he needs it. when he is ready ill stop! you are a great nursing inspiration!
oh i'm sure if my oldest brother is reading now he's puking into a trash can nearby but hey, thems the breaks. the average worldwide weaning age is i believe 4 or 5. americans just seem a little more squeamish about using breasts for nursing for a child who isn't an infant. i don't quite get it.
Good job Jenny! She'll grow up so healthy :)
Thanks for sharing. Lexi's doctor actually told me that it's time to start weaning now that she's almost a year. Luckily I have friends and family who have made it much longer who I can use to support my choice to continue longer. Thank you ;)
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