i have a fashionista friend who moved this past weekend and was clearing out her Closet. see her collection of clothes, shoes, and accessories is so large that i must capitalize the word Closet. she posted on facebook that her leftovers were open for adoption until x o'clock and you better believe i was the first one there - even at the cost of making us late for bible study. WORTH IT. i get there and she had converted her second bedroom into the nicest closet i've ever seen. perfectly organized by type of clothing, color, fabric or whatever. mannequins and mirrors were here and there all neat and lovely, what felt like an entire wall of jewelry hanging. and it's a beautiful mix of vintage and designer. one of "those women" who mixes thrifted stuff with high end and looks right off the runway. i am not a big shopper but i definitely stood in awe of her collection. her hallway, which contained the things she was giving away contained more clothes, shoes, and accessories than i even own! i walked away with a heavy, black military style coat, 4 vintage dresses, 2 belts, 2 vintage pairs of shoes which are to die for and fit oddly perfect, 2 pairs of pants including some high waisted, wide-leg pants which i've secretly always wanted to own, ad a vintage skirt. i am, like speechless to the point where my internal monologue sounds like a valley girl.
i am typically not one for vanity shots but here is what i'm wearing today
this entire outfit was free
oo! I've always wanted a pair of high waisted wide leg jeans; the cute ones, not the jnco mammoth wide legs I use to wear alllll the time LOL--that's awesome jenny mae, jack pot
woww you're so lucky! nothing better than free clothes that you actually love
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