sweet new plugs!
david took a day off of work to celebrate spring break. such a rare treat as david rarely if ever takes a day off that isn't involved to he or i being deathly sick. (seriously, the dude didn't even miss one single HOUR of class in college!) we had a very full and fun day. david let me sleep in until 10, glorious 10! then we woke up and i texted my good friend chelsea and she met us with her dog and baby at the dog park, which was muddy fun for everyone. we came home, relaxed for a half hour or so then took the kids bowling. i had gotten a sweet groupon deal wherein we got two games with shoe rentals included for four people, a large pizza, and four drinks for only $32. POUNCE. then we came home and, since it was so gorgeous out today and it was the only time we're likely to see the sun at all this week, we went to the park for an hour and played basketball/on the swings/playground. the kids and i then walked to the co-op and got two dozen eggs and restocked our incense. we puttered around at home until dinner time. i again used a groupon (well "groupon like" coupon) for a nice chinese restaurant. i did something i've always wanted to do but was too frustrated to walk-out: i ate my entire meal with chop sticks! something small but something i've never stuck with. even olive ate half of her lo mein with chop sticks! came home, dumped the leftovers into the fridge and went out AGAIN. this time to our friend nick fancher's photography reception. nick is the best photographer i know, hands down.
and now it is 9:15 and i am sort of starting my work day. i certainly didn't waste my time but i am also always torn between home based work and family based work. right now i want to work out, fold laundry, type reports, redo my nails (which is a stubborn, 30-45 minute process), scout online for deals for the community garden, and also just veg and watch tv or finish the last chapter of my book. what i HAVE to do is my actual work, type reports which i honestly could do until midnight or beyond if i let myself. i've been getting into a bad habit of staying up very late to do "me things" (mostly read and work out/shower) then i am exhausted the next day so i catch a nap, which shifts bedtime back, which makes me stay up late, rinse, repeat.
i am proud to say that i've continued to work out 3x per week. i have no idea what im doing so i'm mostly just following with how many calories i've burnt and how long it takes to do it in. right now i'm doing 2 miles on the treadmill, changing between brisk walks and runs. it feels like enough, especially since im actually going past my target heartrate a bit and im not exhausted/sore/totally out of breath all the time like i used to be. and i was just shooting for "not dying"!
1 comment:
Hah, me too... I don't really know what I'm doing either, I'm kinda stretching and trail running inconsistently... oh well.
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