7:35am david wakes me up

7:45-8:10am switch out laundry, pack augustine’s lunch, put essential oils on the whole family (balance + patchouli for the kids and i, and a lemon, lavender, peppermint gel cap prepared for david's allergies), put on make up, shower, get dressed, get olive dressed
8:13 the alarm goes off to begin walking, walk 4 blocks with the kids + dolores to augustine's bus stop

8:30 get back home, unload dishwasher, load dishwasher, soak the rest of the dishes, tidy up the sun room

9:00 olive’s playdate zachari arrives, get them settled, start work on one urgent report, clean up dog puke, diffuse balance throughout the house

9:30 make myself breakfast, eggie in a basket-banana-black tea, still working on urgent report.

10:00 more friends show up! entertain them, get snacks, talk to my dear friend val, mediate kid arguments, finish urgent report and send it off

11:30 everybody leaves, olive and i go to the dog park to meet a friend who is dog sitting dolores while we go camping, snack on almonds-banana-water in the car

12:30 home! olive lays down for a nap, i clean up dog poop, diffused lemon and peppermint throughout the house, unload dishwasher #1, load diswasher #2, finish cleaning kitchen

1:00 make myself lunch - leftover spaghetti and homemade marinara sauce w/ salad,
1:15 back to work

3:30 walk to get augustine off the bus

4:00-5:30 finish tidying up the house/sweeping, study for our discussion tonight

5:30 david comes home!

6:00 small group arrives, we eat dinner and chat for about a half hour, then it’s my turn to watch the kids while the others talk so we walk a few blocks to the park, olive finds a beautiful clover and gives it to me
8:00 walk home, say goodbye to friends, put kiddos to bed

9-11 mad men with a friend + david + linus

11:00 do my nightly routine (brush teeth, wash face, use essential oils, take meds), call my mom for a few minutes, then i read until i fall asleep
1 comment:
what do you use the essential oils for?
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