yesterday i got groceries with the kids and noticed that they had tomato and pepper plants on sale for only $.50! so i got three, gave one to my neighbor rachel. she in turn gave me left over pesto, some icing (with a promise on my part to make something and share it), and a bag of hazelnuts. what should i make with the hazelnuts? my mind went all *cricket cricket* but i gladly accepted them because well, i like to bake and make stuff to eat. she's also going to split a 50 lbs bag of rolled oats with us so spam me with any rolled oat recipes too. so far im planning on making oat bread, granola, and some cookies that i saw on pbs that looked delicioso. then i got a phone call from jared boyd (who is my partner in crime with the justice gardens) saying they were going on vacation for 10 days and we were welcome to walk over to their house a few streets over and nom nom nom on their garden while they're out. aaaand i got an invitation to a party next weekend at my friend brian's house and he lives two doors down. these neighbors >>> our old ones.
i worked on the garden yesterday. i get immense satisfaction throwing my leg over the side of that compost bin and going to town with a pick axe. i added some of the more nitrogen rich compost to the carrots and peas and beans to give them a little boost in growth, not that it looks like the latter two really need it. i can't wait to get canning. my mother in law and i, along with one of davids cousin's are going to make some berry jam and can whatever we have excess of - tomatoes! tomato soup! corn! beans! time will tell but im really excited to take a crack at canning.
yeah canning's fun. just make sure you get enough pecten in your jelly :) maybe next year i will have you over and you can show me how to do this compost business. i don't think i'm quite up to it this year...but i am so wanting to do it...
Where were the $.50 plants? I have 3 great tomato plants started, but would love some peppers...
matt - they are at kroger at graceland! i only saw jalepeno and hungarian wax which is medium hot i think. but $.50! you can't beat that!
hilary - i LOVE composting. probably a little too much.
hi jenny, i've been reading your blog for a long time. i have some questions on how you transitioned into homebirth with olive. we just found out i'm pregnant with our 2nd, wooo! and with our son, i had a terrible induction-turned-emergency c section. i'm sure you know the general attitude with doctors (especially in ohio) about VBAC. they don't like it. so we're really getting exited about homebirth. so my questions are,
did you discuss your desire for HB with your OB before you decided to go with your midwife, or just skip to the MW?
And, did you have an OB as a back up?
what do you think of tandem care with both, then just not calling the ob when the time comes?
i don't know anyone who has successfully birthed at home, so i hope you don't think i'm getting to presumptuous with these questions... i am just kind of stuttering along here.
if you don't want to post a reply, my e-mail is nixwifesarah AT gmail DOT com.
i never had an ob/gyn as a primary or backup for either, both of my births have been with a midwife only. one certified nurse midwife in a hospital and one professinal (or direct entry) midwife at home. every medical professional will probably try to scare you out of the idea of a homebirth i will just warn you. if you really want to work in tandem with an ob/gyn & midwife i would be up front about your desire to birth at home and not sneak around. it can do a lot of good to be open about your choices.
can i ask why you had an csection?
sure- i was induced because my OB was going out of town, and i wasn't patient. i really didn't know much the first time around. so about an hour after they started the pit, Ians heartrate jumped up to the 250's. after they figured out that it wasn't a machine error, and after his rate jumped up and down for a few hours they decided they had to get him out. so i had to get the epidural and section and he was in the NICU for 4 days until they figured out some medication to put him on. his official diagnosis was "supra-ventricular tachrycardia". he was on digoxin for the first 10 months of his life, but all is well now, we will see a cardiologist once a year for a while now. so it ended up really being medically necessary, but it didn't make it any easier.
Thank you so much for your advise and answers.
Yummy hazelnut chicken.... just crush the hazelnuts and mix with breadcrumbs, coat chicken and bake. I do tons of summer cobblers with rolled oats, sweeten with honey or stevia to avoid excess sugar and use oat or barley flour for added goodness. We made one last night with sour cherries and strawberries, warm out of the oven it was fantastic! Hope this helps, ERIN
that picture is perfection.
You can make my favorite dessert with the hazelnuts!
Norwegian Hazelnut Cake
Easy to make and Perfect with Coffee! (AND tea)
And it goes so fast in my house (and not just because of the kids)that the only pic I have of one I made is already half eaten, last Christman Eve (you can decorate it slightly differently from the pic on that recipe. I slice the hazelnuts in half to show the pretty heart inside) :
Ummm.... YUMMY!!!!!
oops--it looks like the .jpg got cut off my photo link :)
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