olive put her and augustine's dolls in the bottom part of our oven apparently and tonight when i turned it on they were significantly burnt. i really hope augustine takes it okay. he especially loved his "little auggie" doll. i've already approached my friend tracie who made them for my kids, if she is available to make them again but if she isnt does anyone have the wee wonderfuls pattern and is able-bodied enough to make more dolls for my kids? i can give you money of course.


im so sad!! i do not want to tell augustine!
Oh no!! I remember when I dropped my toy cat in the grocery store and forgot it... I was so sad, but at the same time getting a new one was fun too. Hopefully he will be able to see the bright side.
aww! so sorry to hear that. those dolls are adorable! I've never seen them before, though I've gotten free patterns off of wee wonderfuls before. I hope your friend can make more!! Do you have any interest in sewing, yourself? I could not live without my sewing machine, I tell ya! If she can't, I could give it a shot!
Jenny, I have a friend that makes handmade dolls. I will forward your blog over to her. She is pretty busy these days, but we can see. Most likely, she can duplicate the dolls without a pattern.
They are slightly different, but you should check out the "baby be blessed" dolls. Just a thought!
Oh no!! I hope you can get replacements soon. :(
oh i wish i could sew but i am not able minded at this point in my life. someday though! thanks for all the encouragement and help ladies
so now that a couple of days have passed, are you going to post some pictures of the dolls fresh out of the oven?
im tempted to get them out of the trash can and take pictures but they make me SO SO SAD to look at so i dont know if im going to or not
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