yesterday was so sunny out! sure it was cold as all get out but at least the sun was shining. i laid on the bed while the kids took a bath in the adjacent room and listened to them splash while i watched fluffy clouds roll by. it reminded me of the little project i did in 2006 about clouds. i am pleased that i can steal such moments out of the hectic fabric of my life.
today we are kissing the diapers goodbye, at least during waking hours. yesterday olive only had one accident and today so far she's had none. im hopeful that we can do this in no time. in fact i believe she would be fully trained by now if i werent so busy. but my article writing is slowing down so im ready to tackle it head on. does this mean i dont have a baby anymore? with augustine i was quick to reference his age in relation to the upcoming one "oh he will be 2 in a few months" but with olive, as if somehow i subconsciously know she is our last despite no conversation confirming this, i always downplay her age. if anyone asks how old she is i just say "she is 1". she is one tough cookie to infantilize ill say that much. there is no fooling oneself that she is a feisty kid who's growing up fast. much faster than augustine, as i would expect from a second child. augustine was quite content lazying in my arms, taking it slow and cautious. olive is the opposite of that - rambunctious, on the advanced side of things developmentally, a rolling stone sort of kid. anyways, i can't believe i might be done with diapers. oh and no im not selling the diapers, someone has already asked. i like to let my friends borrow them if need be.

Yay Olive! Yay for Jenny!
congrats on a new step!
I was reading the whole blog thinking "Oh I am totally going to ask if I can buy her diapers!!!" haha...
Congrats on the potty training...that is awesome!!
Ummm- do I see some "Sigler Wigglers" down there? Them's some toes! We haven't seen those kids forever it seems like...
i would so love to borrow some diaps! when need be. i'd always wanna downplay saylor's age too! and then i would keep saying 'he's almost 2' or whatever and then i'd feel a twinge of wistfulness and regret like i had skipped or ignored those few months that he was still 1. take advantage while he's only one and just say he's one! haha. but yes olive is the oldest one year old i know.
thanks guys! we bought some undies today and had a pretty good go at it for being her first day in them.
michelle - what size diapers do you think saylor is wearing? when we are done im happy to pass along the mediums i have now - which olive has been wearing without problems. someone is borrowing our petite toddlers though :(
i love your curtains, where did you get them?
i could try the mediums and see if they work! i have bum genius that's adjustable in size that he can still wear and then i also have large bum genius...but maybe we could at least try.
ikea fabric that my wonderful mother in law sewed up for me
o.k how is she already like 20 years old now. That picture is crazy! I feel like I just finished reading about your labor. (and I'm sure time didn't fly as fast for you since you were in the thick of it!)
olive will be 2 in april and im still boggled by that!
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