well folks, we've hit the parenting trifecta in the last 4 days. ear infection! puking! and today lice! YAYYY *cries* olive has been a champ. in fact her least favorite part of the whole thing has been her dislike of having a head wrap on.
three days ago olive told me that when she talks she can hear herself talking inside her head. which i figured out meant her ear was plugged. i cleaned it out as well as i could but it wasn't that, or at least wasn't only that. so i started an oil regiment of garlic/olive oil/mullein in her ear with basil, melaleuca, and lavender externally on her lymph node/behind and around her ear. we went to see my dad who gave her a full spine adjustment and a load of babying. which reminded me so much of when i was a sick kid and he did the same loving routine: make a bed/fort in front of the tv with blankets, sheets, and pillows, make up a tray with a pot of your favorite tea, a mini mug, and a plate with 2 pieces of toast with buttered and cinnamon and sugar. i mean when you're sick and someone brings your food on a tray? with a wee little pot of tea? i mean get out, you'll feel better in no time! i've been doing treatments on her feet and lymphatic draining massages. in two days the swelling was gone and her ear was drained. YAY!
two days ago before my feet even hit the floor i hear feet scuttling up the stairs and them a wet FLOP noise of vomit spraying everywhere. oy vey what a way to wake up. she makes it a triple before being done with the vomiting for the day. poor kid. she stayed home from school again and we laid around like walruses playing uno under the blankets and watching movies. she very willingly took a nap both days.
after taking monday-wednesday off from school she felt like trying to go today. i was just a phone call away in case she ran out of energy but i didn't get any messages to that effect so i assume it went well. that is until after school i noticed she had nits in her hair.
so now everything fabric is being washed, dryer-ed, vacuumed, put away, SET ON FIRE. okay not set on fire but my mind does not do well with this kind of infraction. i have olive oil and melaleuca soaking on olive's head for 2 hours at a time all wrapped up in a baby do-rag. it's adorable and she tolerates it mostly well.

year (or approximately) we started trying to get the kids up to date on
their vaccines. augustine got some when he was a baby, but selectively
and olive didn't have any until after 2 or 3. oh you think you'll
remember and keep all of these Super Important Details of your kids life
cemented in your brain but really, you won't at all! they will get
filed away and you'll wonder what the whole freaking hoopla was all
about. do your research, find your path, and don't be afraid to dig your
heels in OR know when to give up a fight even if it makes you feel like
an idiot for being so passionate about it at one time. i'm still not
budging on the hepatitis shots. ANYWAY as of thursday augustine is all
caught up (except aforementioned naturally) and oh guys it was hell!
most hard choices comes a trade off and holy crap am i getting what i
paid for by delaying. meaning the kid is old enough to freak out but not
old enough to show a lot of self control about his fears. so let me set
the scene before i keep rolling with this. i'm sitting in the waiting
room and from behind one of the doors comes the unmistakable peeling of a
baby getting circumcised. i'm talking SHRIEKING, WAILING, pissed off
baby screams. so my stomach is already reeling from that noise. a few
minutes later the mother, holding little, angry infant walks out of the
room freaking out, crying, pacing, and flees to the parking lot. so baby
is crying, mom is crying, receptionist is paging a nurse to come assist
them to calm down, the nurse from their room is running out to the
parking lot, the dad is looking helpless. i mean this sounds like this
family is having the worst day ever.
i am not kidding you when i
say this baby screamed for the entire freaking hour we were there. the
peel of a baby screaming is a unique torture let me tell you. so i have
my children plus a girl i babysit after school with us. i am all wound
up and stomach sick from the baby screams by the time we get back to the
room. after a short discussion, update to the kids stats, it's go-time
for shots. olive LAUGHS the whole time and goes first. augustine
meanwhile has backed himself into the corner yelling, crying, and
digging his feet into to ground so i am having to physically heft him
onto the table. this after a 5 minute discussion about how he has
control here. "do you want to sit or lie down?", "do you want the shots
in the leg or arm?", "which shot goes where?" etc. nope the answer to
everything was NOOOO!!!. so i heft my 50 lbs 7 yr old onto the table and
have to hold him down while he bicycle kicks for his life all the while
a newborn is shrieking through the wall and i'm babysitting AND I NEED
eventually we get out of there and we're
all exhausted, sweaty, and tears or near tears. well except olive who
honey badgered the whole thing.
david is working what seems like constant hours
these days. i don't have a clear understanding of why but it really
stinks. he is, as some of you know, a high end photo retoucher (aka
professional photoshopper). clients demand things done and at a
breakneck speed and david is the go-to person in his position. this has
lead to several nights coming home at 2 am and at least one night where
he never came home at all and worked two straight days with one 30
minute nap somewhere in there. i feel like the kids and i are having
such an amazing summer and it's all without david. i feel guilty saying
it but sometimes it is a little nice. i mean i have a lot of freedom
which means i've been reading all night long and eating whatever i want
for dinner. the rare time we spend together i feel like i talk his ear
off though because i miss him so much. i don't laugh with anyone like i
laugh with him.
tonight augustine and my dad are taking a
bro-trip to chicago to see legoland, the field museum, a cubs game, and
the fireworks. it's about 6 hours there but augustine packed some books
so i think he'll be fine. however david gets sick when he tries to read
in the car and this is the first trip where auggie has tried to read so
here's hoping it's not genetic!
okay so maggie and i were
hanging out today and i was telling her about augg-os trip and she
brought up an idea spread by two friends. these friends have it as their
family standard to not let a man babysit their child(ren)
unaccompanied. not even a family member, other than the dad naturally.
for me this is a bit much but what do you think? i do think one of my
greatest fears is some sexual assault happening to my children. like, i
cannot even go there in my mind it seems so painful. we stress never,
ever keeping secrets that have the slightest chance of hurting someone. i
tell them that often. fun secrets, fine whatever but those boogers are
going to spill it if it could hurt. especially if someone bullies them
not to tell, that is a clear indication that they should. however, they
are 7 and 5 so who knows if my words carry more weight than a peer. we
saw a situation like this arise with a friend who was being bullied (and
then it turned sexual) on the bus. the friend never told anyone until
someone saw it, told their parents, and the parents called our friends
mother. never in a million years would i have picked this cute,
confident, sweet kid to be the target of that kind of thing. so what if
im being naive?
olive is thriving in her kindergarten readiness
class. she has had a developmental milestone just in the last week and
discovered that she likes boys. well one boy in particular named brady.
they each have a mailbox in their classroom to encourage them to write
letters and such to each other. i found this in her bookbag today.

"dear olive. i love you. from brady"
so it begins
i couldn't find olive yesterday. every once in a while she will hole up
somewhere, get extremely, almost creepy quiet, and ignore me calling
for her (on purpose), while she is in her own little world. yesterday i
found her on the top shelf of her closet reading and coloring. oy with
the poodles already.

and finally, i saw this picture yesterday and haven't stopped laughing. this is SO my future with olive.

are in full swing of summer in our home. i have so far managed to
balance working from home and being at home with two children. i am
blessed that my kids are not high maintenance. well no more high
maintenance than any other 5 and 7 yr old. i look back at my early
parenting and feel like such a spaz. do i care how much tv they watch?
sure. do i need them to entertain themselves quite a bit while i work
from home? YES. i restrict a bit sure, but when it is a work day i kind
of let them run feral and intervene only when i have to. so far this
week we have done something fun every single day, but today it is
nose-to-the-grindstone-work-day. monday was a movie then an afternoon
playing in the sprinkler. tuesday we went to SuperGames, which is one of my favorite places to play in Columbus. wednesday we went to Recreations Outlet then lunch with more friends. i'm blanking on what we did yesterday but it was more fun.

has discovered that she is quite adept at climbing trees all of a
sudden. here is a picture of her at around 30-40 feet. i am probably on
the high end of normal when it comes to giving my kids freedoms,
especially physical ones. i do not discourage them at all from exploring
what their bodies are capable of. however this did get my blood pumping
a bit, seeing her sooo high. i did it to myself though by telling olive
a story about climbing trees when i was a kid. so naturally she climbed
up and shouted down "OH YEAH! DID YOU EVER CLIMB THIS HIGH?" in her
true dauntless spirit. oy with the poodles already.

of my greatest friends jamie has moved out of the country, to the
Philippians, to study midwifery with Mercy in Action. ugh my heart is
hurting. she is such a source of kindness, prayer, love, support, and
friendship in my life. i like to feel we have a good circle of that
going between us. our youngest children were born within an hour of each
other and kind of act like twins. sunday was their going away party at a
friend's farm. we had a great time but i'm still kind of reeling from
her departure.

other nuggets, before i've got to get back to work. i got new glasses!
we have never had vision insurance until this month so i pounced on the
opportunity to get an updated look and prescription. oddly enough just
days before our insurance kicked in both david and i's glasses bit the
dust! thankfully david was able to repair mine to a passable usability
until my new frames came in. i really like them!

second nugget - my husband is very handsome
i did a DITL oh, two weeks ago and am just now
getting around to posting it. this is a very typical day for me on a
monday, which is always my toughest day of the week simply because i
take sunday's off from work and from cleaning. typically we have a bible
stufy at our house sunday night so now only am i getting back to work
(from home + with kid or kids home but im also responsible to clean the
whole house and make something to eat for the potluck dinner. enjoy!
7:35am david wakes me up

switch out laundry, pack augustine’s lunch, put essential oils on the
whole family (balance + patchouli for the kids and i, and a lemon,
lavender, peppermint gel cap prepared for david's allergies), put on
make up, shower, get dressed, get olive dressed
8:13 the alarm goes off to begin walking, walk 4 blocks with the kids + dolores to augustine's bus stop

8:30 get back home, unload dishwasher, load dishwasher, soak the rest of the dishes, tidy up the sun room

olive’s playdate zachari arrives, get them settled, start work on one
urgent report, clean up dog puke, diffuse balance throughout the house

9:30 make myself breakfast, eggie in a basket-banana-black tea, still working on urgent report.

more friends show up! entertain them, get snacks, talk to my dear
friend val, mediate kid arguments, finish urgent report and send it off

everybody leaves, olive and i go to the dog park to meet a friend who
is dog sitting dolores while we go camping, snack on
almonds-banana-water in the car

home! olive lays down for a nap, i clean up dog poop, diffused lemon
and peppermint throughout the house, unload dishwasher #1, load
diswasher #2, finish cleaning kitchen

1:00 make myself lunch - leftover spaghetti and homemade marinara sauce w/ salad,
1:15 back to work

3:30 walk to get augustine off the bus

4:00-5:30 finish tidying up the house/sweeping, study for our discussion tonight

5:30 david comes home!

small group arrives, we eat dinner and chat for about a half hour, then
it’s my turn to watch the kids while the others talk so we walk a few
blocks to the park, olive finds a beautiful clover and gives it to me
8:00 walk home, say goodbye to friends, put kiddos to bed

9-11 mad men with a friend + david + linus

do my nightly routine (brush teeth, wash face, use essential oils, take
meds), call my mom for a few minutes, then i read until i fall asleep